Wiccan warding rituals for protection that rely on energy need your complete focus to work properly. It’s also the most convenient method since it requires no tools except for your energies and those around you. Utilizing energies to perform a Wiccan warding ritual for protection is very common. Generally, Wiccans utilize two types of wards: You’re stating your intentions and setting up a boundary between what’s allowed and what isn’t. When you ward your space, you’re setting up a shield to keep outside influences from messing with your place. Hence, it’s not a surprise that a warded place gives off feelings of peace, protection, and serenity. In dictionary terms, warding is defined as guarding a spot or watching over it. (Think chaos, disorganization, anxiousness, or stress.) You’ll best benefit from warding your home or certain parts of your space if the said place gives off uneasy energies. Wiccan Protection Wardsīesides protecting you and your space, wards also calm the area they influence. It’ll show you the best materials you can use to ward your space according to your needs.
Performing a seance wicca how to#
This article will talk about Wiccan protection warding ritual types and methods as well as how to perform them. When performing the ritual, focus your intentions and visualise protection. Observe your space and decide whether to use an energy ward, or a physical ward using enchanted objects. To perform a Wiccan warding ritual for protection, determine if your ward will be reflective, offensive, or defensive. Wiccans have plenty of methods for warding, so which method should you go for, and how can you perform that warding ritual?

It’s one of the most effective forms of magick, but it can be quite confusing to do if you’re a new practitioner. Warding protects you, your space, or your family from unwanted forces. I f you enjoyed our content and want to pay it forward (even if you don’t intend to buy anything) please click on any of our product links.

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